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- 1 Timothy 4:13
“I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
–Mark 2:17 Jesus’ words and actions confounded the religious leaders around Him. After all, Jesus was eating with sinners, ministering to sinners, forgiving sinners, healing sinners, and (worst of all) calling sinners to be His followers. The religious leaders thought they were already righteous. They could not comprehend in their self-righteous hearts how the Messiah would come for sinners and not for them. So, the only conclusion they could make was that Jesus must not be the Messiah. But they had failed to see Jesus had come for them, too. It’s just that something needed to happen in their hearts first. Watch our study in Matthew 9:1-13 and Mark 2:1-17 as we read about Jesus getting into trouble for all the right reasons. Comments are closed.
From Pastor Dom...When I first gave my life to Jesus, there were friends in my life who helped me to grow in my understanding of God, through His word, and for those friends Archives
August 2024
Strengthened by grace is the Bible Teaching ministry of Pastor Dominic Dinger.©2022 - All rights reserved.