Read the word.
Teach the word.
Preach the word.
- 1 Timothy 4:13
In the opening of his letter to the Romans, Paul expresses his desire to go to Rome. He is eager to build up Roman believers and tell everyone in that city that they are not only loved by God, but that they are the beloved of God, and this same God is calling them out of the darkness into the light to be set apart for a good good work.
That’s and intense desire, especially when you consider who was in Rome at this time. People like Caesar Nero, a madman who found a twisted enjoyment in persecuting Christians. Paul understood that Nero needed the Gospel—just like him. Remember that Paul (who used to be Saul) was so much worse, yet God loved him and called him and used him to preach the gospel. Paul would arrive in Rome. He would come in chains, but did not see himself as a prisoner of Rome. Paul always referred to himself as a prisoner of Jesus Christ, knowing that he had put his life in the hands of Jesus. Watch our study from Romans 1:8-15 as we continued to work our way though the opening of this amazing letter. You may have never heard of a man named Mephibosheth. It’s not the most common name for a man. However, there are lessons to be learned through this man that are common to us all.
Mephibosheth was tragically crippled because of a fall when he was young. This accident resulted from a misunderstanding of the heart of King David. Convinced that the king didn’t have his best interest at heart, Mephibosheth lived a life far from the king in isolation and fear. But then, the king called him into his courtroom—not to kill him, but to show him kindness because of a covenant the king made with Mephibosheth’s father, Jonathan. Not only did the king show Mephibosheth kindness, but also invited him to sit at the kings table continually as one of the king’s own son’s with full rights and privileges. Do you see the metaphor in the life of Mephibosheth? Have you been spiritually crippled by a fall—a personal sin or perhaps because of someone else’s? We are all crippled by THE fall of original sin—leaving us isolated, broken, and ashamed, thinking that the King doesn’t have our best interest in mind. And yet, because of a covenant He made, He wants to show your kindness, and mercy, and goodness! What is keeping you from answering His call? Oh, how He wants to bless you and show you His kindness and invite you to sit at His table continually with full rights and privileges as His own adopted son or daughter! Come to Him, today! There was once a man named Mephibosheth. He became crippled because of a fall and lived a life of isolation because he misunderstood the character of the king. One day, this king sent for him—not to kill him, but to show him kindness because of a covenant. On the surface, this is a beautiful story, but when we consider the context, there is even more in the life of this man named Mephibosheth.
Join us Sundays at 10am (central) as we worship the Lord. We gather in-person at 912 W. St. Germain Street, St. Cloud, MN; online at; and on the radio at or 96.1 FM (in the St. Cloud area). This past Sunday, we began our study in the letter of Paul to the Romans. The letter begins with the author, Paul, who used to be Saul—a former Pharisee set out to completely eradicate Christianity. That is, until Christ met him, and called him to build up the church rather than tear it down.
Paul describes himself as a bondservant of Christ—a servant of Jesus under his own choice rather than compulsion—and called to be an apostle, set apart for a specific purpose. It’s Paul’s calling we considered in our study—along with our own calling. For we too have been called. Now, what do you think that we have been called to be wholly set apart for? Watch our study of Romans 1:1-7 as we discovered the nature and purpose of our calling from God. Join us at 10am (central) as we worship the Lord. We gather in-person at 912 W. St. Germain Street, St. Cloud, MN; online at; and on the radio at or 96.1 FM (in the St. Cloud area)
On the first Sunday of every year, we review the history, vision, purpose, and practice of Refuge so that we can confidently answer these questions: What are we doing? Why are we doing it? What does it look like? We turn to the Bible to find the answers to those important questions so we can understand God’s vision for His church.
Join us Sunday at 10am (central) as we worship the Lord. We gather in-person at 912 W. St. Germain Street, St. Cloud, MN; online at; and on the radio at or 96.1 FM (in the St. Cloud area). |
From Pastor Dom...When I first gave my life to Jesus, there were friends in my life who helped me to grow in my understanding of God, through His word, and for those friends Archives
August 2024
Strengthened by grace is the Bible Teaching ministry of Pastor Dominic Dinger.©2022 - All rights reserved.