Read the word.
Teach the word.
Preach the word.
- 1 Timothy 4:13
esus is so patient with us, isn’t He? He was patient with the disciples too—even as they were arguing and disputing instead of actually ministering and serving.
To make matters worse, they were arguing and disputing about who would be the greatest—or which one of them was the most important person, as the Children’s Bible renders it. They were arguing about all of this right after Jesus—the Suffering Servant—told them plainly that He would be betrayed and killed and then rise again on the third day. But instead of firing them all on the spot, Jesus sits down and calls them to Himself. He doesn’t rebuke them for their desire to be great, but He ministers to them and helps them. He simply teaches them (and us) where true greatness can be found—in service. True greatness is found in being a servant—in serving those who can’t serve back, the “least of these”. But Jesus didn’t just define greatness—He made it accessible to everyone. Everyone has the capacity and invitation to become great in the Kingdom of God as the servant of all. Comments are closed.
From Pastor Dom...When I first gave my life to Jesus, there were friends in my life who helped me to grow in my understanding of God, through His word, and for those friends Archives
August 2024
Strengthened by grace is the Bible Teaching ministry of Pastor Dominic Dinger.©2022 - All rights reserved.